Pineapple Sage in bloom! How bright a contrast to the New Hampshire Autumn skyis Salvia elegans! The color of the flowers is so vividly red and the fragrance of the leaves, warmed in the sun so strangely tropically sweet. Yes, it does smell exactly like pineapple. These two plants grew so large that they dominate the greenhouse, even dwarfing the Hibiscus.
The flower essence of Pineapple Sage helps us to connect to the wisdom that is deep inside, in the most grounded space of our being. From this heart-space deep within, we can find words to communicate thoughts and feelings that are difficult. We can find a way to sweeten our words so that they fall on more receptive ears. Pineapple Sage can help us understand when to speak and when to keep silent, when to explain in more depth, and when to let information settle.
Salvia elegans is used in traditional Mexican herbalism to treat anxiety and depression. I've decided to try tincturing the fresh flowering plant so I can experiment with this idea. With the New Moon energy in place, today is a perfect day to initiate the process.