Driving down rain glazed country roads on my morning errands, I was reminded what a lucky woman I am. Even on a cold dark gloomy morning, it's beautiful here. As I write this, the sun is breaking through the clouds and a light-filled afternoon is promised. Earlier, the most illuminated object seen was this stunning Witch Hazel bush in full bloom.
Witch Hazel is a planet of Mercury and is ruled by the Air element. With the planet Mercury in retrograde motion, we all might do well to call on the Witch Hazel spirit to clarify our communications!
Inside activities are called for today. Samhain is the time for making final harvests from the gardens, woods, and fields. The little Mountain Ash near the old grange hall was kind enough to let me harvest a few small clusters of berries. I decided to try out my new dehydrator to dry the berries out quickly.
I use these berries in my fire element incense and call them by the old European name of Rowan. The Rowan of old is Sorbus aucuparia, or European Mountain Ash. In the New World we use Sorbus americana, or American Mountain Ash. The magick is the same. This tree is associated with the White Goddess. Many powers are attributed to this tree: protection, magick and countermagick, success, healing, and psychic visions. The wood, the berries and to some extent, the leaves can be used for magick. Harvest the berries in bunches as soon as they turn orange sometime after Lughnassadh. I was late in my harvesting activities this year, harvesting on Halloween. I have a piece of Rowan wood up over my front door, a little extra protection against negativity and lightning strikes. A popular ancient charm from the British Isles is made by taking two twigs of Rowan and fastening them together in the form of a cross with red thread. Place this in a pocket or sew it into the lining of clothing to keep the wearer safe. Consider this charm for your ritual clothing. Wands can be made of Rowan and have a special magick connected with wisdom and knowledge. Besides using Rowan berries in my Fire Incense, I also place them in charm bags and charging boxes.