The landscape is singing with the high vibration of White Lotus. I have watched the bud grow and swell and finally today the petals opened. Last year this plant opened it's flower on August second, but this year has been much cooler and cloudier. This year White Lotus survived intense hail that pierced its leaves. Conditions in a wild pond are different from the shelter of the liner pond where this plant lived in 2007. You can see how this plant looked in bloom last year here.
In less wild parts of the landscape, my "Valentine" rose is blooming. This bush is one of three that forms the beginning of a dedicated rose garden. I received this rose as a potted plant on Valentine's Day 2007 and placed it outside as soon as warm weather came. This is one of the plants I chose to take when we moved. Yes, I'm sentimental. I think it's very nice that this rose is bursting into bloom this weekend. Monday marks our 35th wedding anniversary!