If the above picture looks like your typical delicious garden fresh lunch, it’s time to write, call, and email your elected officials in congress to STOP the passage of HR 875/S425. It’s no surprise that this bill is sponsored by the evil that is Monsanto.
Ostensibly this bill is for the protection of the consumer, establishing high standards of food safety. If this bill passes it will obliterate organic farming by mandating the use of pesticides and imposing huge fines on those who do not comply. The way the bill is written means that this legislation will affect farmers’ markets and home gardeners as well as larger organic farming operations.
The bill was introduced by Congresswoman Rosa De Lauro (D-CT) and the full text of the bill can be read here: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.875: As you can imagine, reading the whole document is onerous. You have to wonder how many of the representatives have read it carefully enough to realize all the implications of passing HR 875/S425. It is disguised as food safety legislation. Big food producing corporations are all lobbying for this bill since it will benefit them greatly and put their organic competition out of business.
I’m ending the rant here. Google HR 875/S425 to read more about this and most important of all, contact your representative in congress. Find your representative here: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml .