Spring is here. This season is so full of anticipation each day. What will emerge from the ground? What will bloom? Did last year's garden additions make it through the long cold Winter? Don't miss a day outside. The wildflowers of late April and early May are not called "Spring ephemerals" for nothing. They are here one day and gone the next. This gorgeous Bloodroot bloom was gone by afternoon, all the petals fallen, and a seed capsule forming. Carpe diem!
The healing theme addressed by Blooroot flower essence is one of balance, concentration and focus. Bloodroot flower essence helps those who need to focus, especially when difficulty with this in an inherited family trait. It is useful in meditation, aiding one in entering the alpha state more easily. It helps with self-understanding, easing one through times of self-transformation, especially if there is a feeling of social isolation. Someone who takes this essence will seek help from the community around them by communicating their problems and issues in an appropriate way, dealing with them, and enhancing their feelings of self-acceptance and worthiness. Old emotional wounds heal and there is an understanding of the divine purpose for which we entered the Earth plane. We reach the understanding that we are the sum of our experiences and we can now embrace our “roots” as part of the path that has led us to enlightenment.
Above is Lungwort which came to Lichenwood through the love and generosity of friends Lynn and William Kuegel, along with a whole tribe of friends who seem to have made the transition to life in Barrington. Friendship gardens are the best. I've been wanting to make a Lungwort flower essence for a long time. While it's hard to wait, it seems best to let the plant spirit settle in here before I ask it to co-create a flower essence.
Along with fleeting flower blossoms come the animal babies of Spring. This little turtle, about the size of a half dollar, was resting near the brook when I came upon him/her. Eastern painted turtle was the first (and so far the only) animal essence I've ever made. I am looking forward to lots of turtle watching on the pond this year.
The Eastern Painted Turtle essence is all about helping us feel protected and grounded. In any situation where we feel uncertain, or need to stand our ground, this essence will be very helpful. Since this is the only animal essence that I have made, it is not listed on my website. If you'd like a bottle, the cost is the same as the stock flower essences- just $8 for a half ounce bottle.
In other matters, potential students interested in the Aromatherapy workshop expressed conflicts with the scheduled date of May 2nd, so Kate and I have decided to reschedule the this class. It will now meet on Saturday, June 6th. In additon other topics, Kate will be discussing aromatherapy's role in treating/avoiding Swine Flu. Below is the information on the class:
My favorite aromatherapy teacher, mentor, and healer, Kate Leigh of Midheaven, Market Square, Portsmouth, will be presenting an all day workshop at Lichenwood on the first Saturday in June. Come sit around the table and sample a wide assortment of essential oils. Kate has just returned from Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy's annual conference where she participated as a facilitator. The topic of the conference was cancer, autoimmune, and degenerative diseases. She has much to share on these topics.
So please join Kate Leigh, aromatherapist and educator, for a day long adventure with essential oils, their lore and allure, their medicinal values, and their practical applications. Kate will share information recently gathered at an international conference, at which researchers and practitioners from around the globe, sharing a passion for plant medicine, presented their ideas and findings. During the workshop, essential oils will be passed around and experienced directly. Demonstrations of their effectiveness will be offered to the group, as needs arise within the class. Kate's style is direct, humorous, informal, and informative. Come prepared to learn, ask burning questions, and have fun!
Kate Leigh has pioneered in the field of aromatherapy in this part of the country. Originally beginning her studies in California, while residing there in the early 1970s, Kate has shared her knowledge of essential oils for the last 27 years here in New Hampshire and Maine, with massage therapists and other complementary modality healers. Kate is also a living example of someone who has used essential oils daily for decades, and every day in her massage therapy practice. Energized by her work and interests, she looks forward to blending frequencies with the participants of this workshop!
$90 for a full day includes materials.
Call 664-3393 or email me at [email protected] for details, questions, and to register for class.