Snow still covers the ground here in New Hampshire, but you can feel Spring in the strength of the sunlight and the increasing hours of daylight. When Daylight Savings Time begins officially on March 11 this year we will all feel as if Spring is here. Last year we had devastating rain and flooding in the Northeast, culminating around Mother’s Day. The woods were disturbed and poison ivy covered fields and clearings to protect the area from human interference.
Today I was asked for the umpteenth time to prognosticate about the approaching Spring and Summer season. Truly, my guess is as good as any. Anyone who meditates or spends time connecting with Nature can listen for these answers themselves. In the end, only Nature knows what will transpire and any of Her plans are open to change. I do feel that we will have an early onset of warm weather. I do believe that the plants are going to have a lot to say to us and will be offering new healing information. If you listen, the plants will teach you.
So, here we are, in the last weeks of Winter, waiting for the scales to tip at the Equinox and send us headlong into the season of warmth, light, and growth. What can you do to get ready? Just spend some time in quiet meditation. You can enhance your ability to connect with Nature spirits by taking flower essences. I would especially recommend Green Bells of Ireland, Lady’s Mantle, and Squawvine. Simply placing a few drops in a small amount of water, ingesting, and then meditating for 20 minutes or will enhance your experiences with Nature.
This is a beautiful meditation you can use after ingesting flower essences. Enjoy:
Adaptation of a Meditation given to me by Domi O’Brien in 1992
Relax in a quiet place, clean and dim. Ask the Nature Spirits, Gods, and Ancestors for their presence and assistance.
One: think of the power of the earth, the energies within her. Feel those powers in your earth, the flesh on your body, muscle to do work in the real world.
Two: think of the solidity of the stone, the power and strength. Feel it is your bones, the support and shape of your body.
Three: think of the power of the sea, energy of wave and the vast expanse of depth. Feel it in your blood, in your body fluids, carrying energy to every part of your system.
Four: Sun. Feel her warmth and power holding it all together, her face turned toward you. Feel your own sun, skin, external holding together, face open to the external world.
Five: plant life, the growing, the living, the moving with the external--Feel the hair all over your body, the resilience and strength of it.
Six: moon, she travels calm and high, cool energy; she is the external manifestation of your individual indestructible soul, anam, the you within.
Seven: stars, light, vision, energy above, eyes with which you see the world outside and receive information, internal eyes, visualization...
Eight: Cloud, moving, shaping, manifesting energy in motion: your brain, your thought, formulating, taking shape...
Nine: Air, breath within your body, life-sustaining...
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your flesh. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your bones. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your blood. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your skin. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it through your hair. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your soul. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it in your eyes, nose, mouth, fingertips, ears. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it through your brain, thought, judgement. Let it go.
Take a deep breath. Feel it through all of you, breath of life, living. Let it go.
Nine times. Nine elements.
Earth, stone, sea, sun, plant life, moon, stars, clouds, air.
Take this energy with you as you connect with Angelic forces, Spirit Guides, Nature Spirits, Gods and Goddesses, Ancestors, all divine beings who come to you in love. Go safely. Meditate.