Last December I took a leap of faith and registered for the first ever Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference. There were so many practical reasons not to make this commitment: Would I generate enough money with my business to pay all the expenses associated with travel? Could I overcome my fear of flying? Could this pampered woman who sleeps in a cushy bed with a big down pillow adjust to conference style accommodations at the Ghost Ranch? I could go on and on with all the cautions that came to my mind. Happily my desire to be part of a conference that celebrated Vitalism and included teachers that I have not had the opportunity to hear in person overcame my concerns. I committed myself, I registered, and of course, the Universe provided me with sufficient work to meet all my needs including travel to the conference.
Since I hadn't been on a plane in 25 years I was glad to have a traveling companion who knew the airport security drill. Joyce Belcher of Herbs for Life was my guide through the current air travel regulations and just a wonderful overall travel buddy. We had our own mini conference on the plane, exchanging all kinds of ideas, questions, and knowledge about the use of herbs for people and animals. My fear of flying? It was nonexistent. I was looking out the window enjoying the view. Flower essences are just amazing! The blend I put together to address my specific fears worked beautifully!
Arriving on Thursday in Albuquerque, we spent the afternoon in beautiful Santa Fe, resting from travel and enjoying a lovely meal served on a terrace. How refreshing it is to the eye to view a completely different landscape and cityscape. We continued our journey and arrived at the Ghost Ranch to register for our room in a charming little adobe casita where we had our bedroom and bath.
It was exciting for me to be present in an environment that is so different than my beloved New England. The colors, the lack of humidity, and so many plants that I did not know left me feeling like a stranger in a captivating new land.
The new physical vistas were a taste of things to come once I began to meet and interact with the beautiful students and teachers of this conference. I am not a conference person. I don't like the confinement of crowds, or the distance I've felt at other gatherings between students and teachers. I usually end up just buying the lecture CDs and skipping the social piece of conferences that sometimes feels uncomfortable and stilted to me. My first social interaction at the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference? A warm welcoming hug from Kiva Rose who recognized me immediately from Facebook! I found all the teachers to be just as approachable, connecting from a deep heart space with the students, sharing their passion for plants and healing. It was REAL. It was VITAL. I have rarely felt so connected during a group event since the 60's and early 70's.
I took away so much from this conference. It was not just the lectures and wisdom shared. The passion for life and the commitment to follow that passion to learn, share, and serve the community and the Earth was a primary message that I received.
How nurtured and re-energized I feel! I have made a few changes since I returned home eliminating some meaningless activities from my life and making more time for things I am passionate about. I have been on this path for awhile, but my experience at this high vibration conference has infused me with joy and purpose. Many thanks to Kiva and Wolf for organizing the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference. I look forward to another rendezvous in 2011! Read Kiva's blog post about all the wonderful plans for next year!